Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bayan Bagus dan Zumidar Halkah

I consider myself as karkun lemah. First because I seldom go to sabghuzari night. Second if the halqah wont appoint me as tasykil jemaat or halqah zumidar, I will never attend the weekly KL meshuarah.

Recently our syura announced that, those who come to KL weekly meshuarah on Wednesday night, they must attend their halqah weekly meshuarah. Otherwise they have committed khianat to other brother. I dont know about this, by I think the reason I am so lazy to attend KL weekly meshuarah is because I can not commit to attend the halkah meshuarah every week.

Last two weeks 3 th April ustaz Ali from madrasah miftahul ulum deliver the maghrib bayan during the sabghuzari night. Never in my life, during the markaz night, I sat very near to the pembayan. But that night after a long absent, I think I should use my time wisely. I have left my family and my busy schedule just to attend the sabghuzari night, why dont I use my time effectively. Alhamdulillah the bayan was so great that I feel like want to give my name cash....but...hehehe..simpan dulu...

So after the bayan and isya prayer, I sat for a while...make a long dua...and went home....hehehehe....still can not follow the tertib......

day after was our halkah monthly meshuarah. Now the syura ask us to do monthly meshuarah at the halkah level. taat ajela......last month I was absent.....and this month the meshuarah had appointed me to become the halkah zumidar....I tried to refuse by giving as many reasons I can, but the meshuarah ask me not to refuse....I have held the responsible for Dec 09 and Jan 10, meaning that in 6 months, the halkah had appointed me two times as the amir.....masyaAllah....fa'alu lima yuriid...

i complain this to my mom, and she told me a story that happened in one of northern state recently...

takaza agama bila di buka tak nak amik takpe, tapi kalau meshuarat dah bagi/putus jgn tolak. baru2 ni kt negeri xxxx ada sorang ustaz ni...dia kene putus amik jemaah, tapi dia tak amik..dia pass kt org lain....tup2 dia boleh plak buat keje lain bawa ahlia dia naik motor jalan2....sekali innalillah...derang eksiden.....allahualam...
 Last wednesday, after the weekly meshuarah our shura call all the zumidars from 79 halkah in KL to gather in the syura room next to the mimbar...he gave us advices to take care of our family especially our wife..appreciate them as much as we can as they have sacrificed a lot of things...as Allah mention in many ayah in the Quran about the virtue of solehah women, we as His servant should do what Allah like us to do to our spouse...the talk given by our syura was quite touching for me and I promise to spread the message to my halkah brothers......and do as many khidmat to my wife and children as best as I can....


buat kerja dgn keinsafan dan kesedaran
buat kerja dgn hikmah dan kasih sayang
buat lerja dengan ikhlas kerana Allah

Ijtimak Malaysia 2018

Ijtimak tiba lagi. Kerja agama perlu giat dijalankan! Bawa manusia kepada Allah.